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Dungan Torah:




Dungan Injil (PORTION):


Dungan Bible publications:

Luke 2:1-20 (2000);
Mark (2002);
4 Gospels and Acts (2006);
Short Dungan-Russian dictionary (2010);
Pentateuch (2012);
Proverbs (2015);
Bible Stories (2015);
Gospel Parables (2016);
The Noah story (2016);
A Collection of Proverbs and Wise Sayings (2018);
“The Lives of the Prophets. Abraham” (2019);
“The Lives of the Prophets. Joseph” (2019);
“The Lives of the Prophets. Moses” (2020);
“The Lives of the Prophets. Jonah” (2020);




Burmese Scripture:

To view this app offline, click here to open it in a new window. Then, bookmark it or add it to your home screen.



Central Asian Russian Scripture:

To view this app offline, click here to open it in a new window. Then, bookmark it or add it to your home screen.





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Prophets in history







two column reading is a Reading Browser for seeing The Book of Moses in dual columns in Dungan and in English.

Go to this different Browser to read the Holy Scriptures of Pentateuch (The Books of Moses) in Dungan, English, Hebrew, side-by-side in three columns on a new tab.


three columns reading




Chinese Hui Scripture:

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