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first Panthay family in Sankamphaeng
Bride and family
Bride under banner


Welcome to the Dungan Panthay TV in the digital age. Dungan and Panthay not only have a common "shared-humanity" of being descendants of the diaspora Hui people, but also have a common immersion into smartphones that are popular today. This website aims to provide a platform for conversation, truth-seeking, exchange of ideas, and cultural sharing for the diaspora Hui of today's rapidly changing planet, to promote world peace, happiness and the well-being of societies.

Dungan Panthay peoples span across mainly Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, and Thailand. Therefore, they not only have their native places' mother-tongue heart dialect of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Yunnanese, plus the Mandarin language, but also their host countries main languages of Russian, Burmese, and Thai.  Dungan Panthay TV website is a place for celebrating such wide variety of cultures, and such cohesive shared-humanity of this Hui Diaspora.


About us

We are spiritual ambassadors and we love the Dungan people and the Panthay people.  We are simply fellow human beings, not perfect, but by the Almighty Creator's grace, seeing hope, discerning the current tough times, living quiet simple life, to give reasons for the hope, to and for the Creator's glory. 

To see Russian Subtitles

How to enable Russian subtitle on YOUTUBE

To see Burmese subtitle

To see Thai subtitles

Who Are The Dungans Of Central Asia?

Who are the Panthay in Burma?



Who are the Panthay in Thailand?



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